Completing the CSS Profile

Did you know to receive financial aid, depending on what schools you apply to, completing the FAFSA isn’t the only thing you need to do? Don’t freak out but the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is another financial aid form you may need to fill out. Depending if...

A Letter to My Future Fellow First Generations Students

Future First Generationers, Now is the time to remind yourself why it is you’re working so devastatingly hard for. The road for our education is a narrow one that many people cannot identify with. The struggles, complications, and hardships for our education will make...

Happy New Year!

Hello fellow young-ins! I just returned to school, as in, i got back into my room roughly 20 minutes ago. I’ve parked my bags in the spot where they’ll most likely spend the next 2 weeks in as I live out of them and procrastinate on unpacking. Looking...

Moving Forward

Last week marked the beginning of my last semester of college. In a few short months, I will be walking across that graduation stage to accept my degree… my college degree! This all seems so surreal. It’s like I’ve been staring in the distance at a dream that just...

First impressions

Happy New Year! Over this year’s break, I was able to have a chance to reflect, relax, and refresh myself for this upcoming semester. Fall semester of Junior year was probably my favorite, but that did not remove the stress that came with it! It was very important for...