by Leah Jean-Louis, Swarthmore College, '14
Leave that nest. Yes, I’m saying get out of your comfort zone and go to a new place. College is really about starting fresh, experiencing something new, adapting, growing, and let’s not forget about the academics. I think you should consider a college in a new setting...
by Leah Jean-Louis, Swarthmore College, '14
“Off to college, yes you went away, straight from high school you up and left.” I think Aliayah, the famous singer, said it in her song titled Miss You. You definitely will miss your high school friends. I do! Although we promised to connect with each other daily, we...
by Jesse Sanchez, Harvard University , '14
Jesse Sanchez shares his thoughts on CSO in this testimonial video.
by Abigail Macias, Dartmouth College
The rapper Kanye West once proclaimed that “having money isn’t everything, NOT having it is” and when the prospect of paying for college creeps up, this quote may ring truth for many first-generation college students. I am forever grateful for programs like Federal...