Joudenie Germain

Financial Awareness

College is not only about social growth but is also a time for developing a sense of financial awareness. Before this period, most students have not had the chance to properly assess how they use money; however, this changes once you are far from home and are expected...

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Finals Week

It is the dreaded finals season. A time where you gear up, power through long, heavy study sessions, and hope it will be over soon in order to enjoy a much needed restful break. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel; this is when motivation and perseverance...

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Letters of Recommendation

College applications involve various pieces that allow for a school to form a more comprehensive and holistic view of you. Between personal statements, interviews, and test scores, the application process allows for multiple ways for you to demonstrate a complete...

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Finding the Best Fit

Selecting the colleges to apply to is never an easy task and always instills feelings of anxiety and doubt. The decision involves a careful evaluation of various ingredients: test scores, GPA, financial aid, majors and minors offered, etc. We are focused on the...

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