This article was originally written for, now a part of The Fairy Tale Fades Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a young girl. Since she was very young she knew that she was quite beautiful and thought she might grow up...
The Kryptonite of Procrastination: How to Manage Deadlines in College by Kristy Windedahl
This article was originally written for, now a part of Ever notice how the word procrastination looks like a good thing? It starts with "pro," and if you are a pro, then you are good at whatever it is that you're a pro at; or,...
How Your Body Language Plays a Role in Your Confidence as a Student by Kristy Windedahl
This article was originally written for, now a part of Confidence is defined as having faith or trust in someone or something. A lot of people don't really understand the depth of what confidence is, or how to instill it in...
My Journey to College: Overcoming Impoverished Thinking
This article was originally written for, now a part of Making the decision to go to college can be life-changing, and my decision to go to college was based mostly on the fact that my life had changed, quite dramatically. I...